Software Vault: The Gold Collection
Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO
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C/C++ Source or Header
288 lines
#ifdef MSW
/* This started out as simple font management for the .ini file, but
* it turned out I felt like keeping other display info-type things in the
* .ini file, so you'll notice other non-font things in this file. I
* should've created a new file, but I wanted to keep the .ini file in
* once place and didn't want to spend the time to generalize the access.
* Yes, I know - bad karma. (JAM)
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "jam.h"
#include "def.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "ttydef.h"
#include "chrdef.h"
#include "commdlg.h"
/* user picks the font
static CHOOSEFONT *newfont;
static LOGFONT *emaxfont;
static TEXTMETRIC *textmetric;
static void LoadTheFont(void);
static COLORREF ttfore, ttback, tthigh;
static BOOL newuser = TRUE;
/* saveall settings
static char profile[NFILEN];
static char NEAR *textcolor = "text";
static char NEAR *highcolor = "touched";
static char NEAR *windowcolor = "window";
static char NEAR *newuserstr = "newuser";
static char NEAR *weight = "weight";
static char NEAR *height = "height";
static char NEAR *name = "name";
static char NEAR *pitch = "pitch";
static char NEAR *slant = "slant";
static char NEAR *defname = "terminal";
static char NEAR *rows = "rows";
static char NEAR *cols = "cols";
static char NEAR *xpos = "x";
static char NEAR *ypos = "y";
static char NEAR *format = "%d";
static char NEAR *lformat = "%lu";
#define Weight (FF_MODERN | FW_NORMAL)
/* resource string, default value
#define SaveStringResource(r, v)\
WritePrivateProfileString(g_APPNAME, r, v, profile)
/* resource string, default value
#define LoadIntResource(r, v)\
(int)GetPrivateProfileInt(g_APPNAME, r, v, profile)
/* resource string, default value, buffer, sizeof(buffer)
#define LoadStringResource(r, v, b, sz)\
GetPrivateProfileString(g_APPNAME, r, v, b, sz, profile)
/* save settings - fonts, pos/size, color, whatever
void SaveAllSettings(void)
char buf[100];
RECT rect;
/* fonts
SaveStringResource(name, emaxfont->lfFaceName); /* family name */
sprintf(buf, format, emaxfont->lfWeight);
SaveStringResource(weight, buf); /* weight */
sprintf(buf, format, emaxfont->lfHeight);
SaveStringResource(height, buf); /* height */
sprintf(buf, format, emaxfont->lfPitchAndFamily);
SaveStringResource(pitch, buf); /* pitch & family */
sprintf(buf, format, emaxfont->lfItalic);
SaveStringResource(slant, buf); /* italic or not */
/* colors
sprintf(buf, lformat, ttfore);
SaveStringResource(textcolor, buf);
sprintf(buf, lformat, ttback);
SaveStringResource(windowcolor, buf);
sprintf(buf, lformat, tthigh);
SaveStringResource(highcolor, buf);
/* pos, rows, cols
if (!IsIconic(g_hWnd) && !IsZoomed(g_hWnd))
GetWindowRect(g_hWnd, &rect);
sprintf(buf, format, rect.left);
SaveStringResource(xpos, buf);
sprintf(buf, format, rect.top);
SaveStringResource(ypos, buf);
sprintf(buf, format, nrow);
SaveStringResource(rows, buf);
sprintf(buf, format, ncol);
SaveStringResource(cols, buf);
WindowMessage("Current font & window settings saved", FALSE);
WindowMessage("Current font & colors saved.", FALSE);
/* set the requested font size
* NOTE: this routine must be called before code which
* restores settings, etc since it allocates data and computes
* ini file name. (is called by WinMain in w3win)
void WindowInitFont(int fontsize)
if (!profile[0])
strcpy(profile, g_APPNAME);
strcat(profile, ".ini");
/* set font, see if resources saved
if (!(emaxfont = (LOGFONT *)calloc(1, sizeof(LOGFONT))))
WindowMessage("Unable to get LOGFONT", TRUE);
if (!(textmetric = (TEXTMETRIC *)calloc(1, sizeof(TEXTMETRIC))))
WindowMessage("Unable to get TEXTMETRIC", TRUE);
LoadStringResource(name, defname, emaxfont->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE);
emaxfont->lfWeight = LoadIntResource(weight, Weight);
emaxfont->lfHeight = LoadIntResource(height, fontsize);
emaxfont->lfPitchAndFamily = (BYTE)LoadIntResource(pitch, FIXED_PITCH);
emaxfont->lfItalic = (BYTE)LoadIntResource(slant, 0);
newuser = LoadIntResource(newuserstr, TRUE);
/* create the font, then refetch the attributes
* of the resulting match
GetObject(g_hfont, sizeof(LOGFONT), emaxfont);
/* work routine to create and set a LOGFONT into g_hDC
static void LoadTheFont()
/* delete any previous font created
if (g_oldFont)
SelectObject(g_hDC, g_oldFont);
/* create new requested font
g_hfont = CreateFontIndirect(emaxfont);
g_oldFont = SelectObject(g_hDC, g_hfont);
GetTextMetrics(g_hDC, textmetric);
g_nLineHeight = textmetric->tmExternalLeading + textmetric->tmHeight;
g_nCharWidth = textmetric->tmMaxCharWidth + textmetric->tmOverhang;
/* dialogbox for new font
void WindowNewFont(void)
/* Before bringing up the dialog, kill the current
* cursor (size defined by current font). WM_KILLFOCUS msg
* triggers a cursor delete, WM_SETFOCUS recreates it
* and thus it comes back the (new) right size.
SendMessage(g_hWnd, WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 0L); /* bye bye cursor */
/* Init the structure and do dialog
if (!(newfont = ( CHOOSEFONT *)calloc(1, sizeof(LOGFONT))))
WindowMessage("Unable to get CHOOSEFONT", TRUE);
newfont->lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSEFONT);
newfont->hwndOwner = g_hWnd;
newfont->lpLogFont = emaxfont;
newfont->nFontType = SCREEN_FONTTYPE;
free((void *)newfont);
/* Send redraw/resize instruction (new # rows/cols based on
* new font size) and recreate the cursor reflecting font cell size.
SendMessage(g_hWnd, WM_SETFOCUS, 0, 0L);
/* Size the window based on current font and resources
* for cols, lines, and colors
void InitWindow(int numcols, int numlines)
char fore[100], back[100], high[100];
int oldcols = LoadIntResource(cols, numcols);
int oldlines = LoadIntResource(rows, numlines);
int x = LoadIntResource(xpos, 0);
int y = LoadIntResource(ypos, 0);
SizeWindow(x, y, oldcols, oldlines);
/* Colors.
ttfore = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
tthigh = GetSysColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION); /* ughly choice.. */
ttback = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);
fore[0] = high[0] = back[0] = '\0';
LoadStringResource(textcolor, NULL, fore, sizeof(fore));
LoadStringResource(highcolor, NULL, high, sizeof(high));
LoadStringResource(windowcolor, NULL, back, sizeof(back));
if (fore[0])
sscanf(fore, lformat, &ttfore);
if (back[0])
sscanf(back, lformat, &ttback);
if (high[0])
sscanf(high, lformat, &tthigh);
/* tty access to colors for refresh
COLORREF GetForeColor()
return (ttfore);
COLORREF GetHighColor()
return (tthigh);
COLORREF GetBackColor()
/* Access to saveable preferences, called from w3win
* as a result of system menu choices for TEXT COLOR and WINDOW COLOR
void SetForeColor(color)
ttfore = color;
void SetBackColor(color)
ttback = color;
void SetHighColor(color)
tthigh = color;
/* One time greeting box; same dialog as seen from ABOUT menu.
* If no .ini file is found on startup, greet the user.
BOOL newUser()
char buf[128];
BOOL was = newuser;
/* user type
if (was)
sprintf(buf, format, newuser = FALSE);
SaveStringResource(newuserstr, buf);
return (was);
#endif /* MSW */